How are reborn dolls made?
Get the most complete reborn doll tutorial for beginners

Reborns are adorable life-like baby dolls. They have been modified by the reborn artist to usually resemble as much as possible a human baby (though in some cases, reborn dolls can also feature baby animals or fantastic creatures).
What are Reborns made of?

Reborn dolls are made of soft vinyl, silicone or a mix of both, and are assembled, painted, weighted and detailed to have the appearance of real babies. The look of a reborn properly made is astonishing. They appear and feel sooo realistic that make you want to hold them, cuddle them, take care of them and love them for the rest of your life.

The Art of Reborning
However, the process of creating a reborn baby doll is long, arduous, and requires very specific artistic skills. Many artists put over 100 hours of work per doll and invest a fair amount of money and resources into their passion. The high cost of the materials and the great amount of hours needed to elaborate a truly unique hand-made reborn baby doll, exponentially increase their value and, consequently their price. So, reborn baby dolls are not cheap.

The origins of Reborning

Reborn Babies have become collectors’ items and also a very powerful form of art that emerged not so long ago. Despite some people dating the origins of reborning in the Cold War, when, in Germany, some mothers will renovate the old dolls of her daughters to make them look newer and more realistic, it is mostly considered that reborning started in the United States in the early 90s.
A Huge Reborning Community

However, the beginning is not easy for anyone and lots of new reborners struggle to find the resources they need to learn this art.
Since then, there has been a growing community of people (estimated around 20,000 worldwide) who have been interested on adopting and collecting these dolls. However, the art of reborning itself is what has experienced a huge boom that few could imagine. People say that being an artist is like being able to bring beautiful ideas into life. Well, in the case of reborning, the term “bringing into life” could not be most accurate.
It is not a surprise that many people, mostly women, decide to take up this new art and, after years of practice and experience, make themselves professional reborn doll artists or sculptors.

Learning how to Reborn
New artists go through the exhausting process of browsing hundreds of websites, ordering DVD tutorials, buying booklets and watching more or less useful videos. All these actions, sometimes more successful sometimes less, are not really time-effective.
All Reborn Babies wants to help you and any new reborn artist to take their very first steps by presenting The Ultimate Guide on How to Make a Reborn Baby
The Ultimate Guide on How to Make a Reborn Baby
This is why we are presenting a comprehensive guide with the support of numerous resources created by professional reborn artists that will take you very carefully and with lots of details from zero to your finished lovely impressive amazingly cute new reborn baby (made by you!, which makes it even more valuable).
If you follow the step-by-step guide that we are providing to you here, there is no room for mistakes no possibility for disaster. Are you ready?