Reborn collector gives birth after thinking she could not have babies
Do you believe in the impossible? Well, if you read our next story, you might!
Victoria Andrews, an enthusiastic reborn collector from Berkshire, in the UK, gave birth to a lovely baby boy after having being told she would never become a mother.
Wrong diagnoses or miracle?
Since a very early age, she was told she would not be able to have children. She tried and tried and tried, but, unfortunately, nothing worked out for her. One day, when she was 26, she was told that, surprisingly, she was expecting a baby. It turns out that a medicine she started taking to treat her condition of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome had suddenly spiked her fertility.
Her Reborn Collection
Victoria started collecting Reborn Dolls soon after she found out she will never be able to have kids. Over the years, she had collected around 100 reborn baby dolls, with a total value of £60,000. She was using them to comfort herself, relax and experience this close connection that many people look for. For several years, she was selling and buying new dolls as she wanted to upgrade her collection. Some of her dolls are authentic master pieces, reaching prices up to £1,500.
And Tobias came along…
When her baby was born, Victoria had to sell many of her Reborns, as she needed the money to pay for Toby’s expenses and care. Despite having to say goodbye to many of her lifelike babies, Victoria was able to still keep 40 of them, her favourites, which, when joking, she refers to as Toby’s brothers and sisters.
Her son’s reborn replica
Shortly after Toby was born, Victoria ordered a custom reborn baby to resemble him. He looks like Tobias, weights and measures the same as when he was born and wears the same clothes Toby was wearing . She wanted to immortalise such an important even in her life.
Taking care of her collection after being a mother
Unfortunately, after Toby’s birth, Victoria, being a single mother, has no time to take care of her “other” babies. She keeps them on a shelf, but she cannot find the time or energy to play with them for the moment.

Reborn dolls selection
If you are interested on getting reborn dolls for yourself or to give away to someone, check below some of the suggestions presented by Amazon.
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