Reborn Doll Kits: 10 BEST Reborn Vinyl Kits Revealed!
There are many reborn doll kits on the market today, each with their own distinct features and expressions. Options include sleeping newborns, bright-eyed babies and even dolls that look like they are dreaming or teething. Certain things are standard when buying a kit, so when you are selecting a reborn doll kit you are looking for the wrinkles in the face, the creases in the lips, and all those little details that make your reborn expressive and realistic. These are the things that differentiate that specific reborn from the rest, and when you’re investing time and money in a kit, you want to be completely satisfied with the end result. To make your shopping experience easier, we have compiled the 10 best reborn kits made of vinyl that you can buy and reviewed their unique characteristics. It was hard work, as there are so many amazing kits out there created by really talented artists, but we did our best to bring to you our real favourites. Let’s get straight into it!
1.Chase by Bonnie Brown
Designed by Bonnie Brown and released by Tru Born, Chase is a newborn. Chase appears peacefully asleep with creases around the eyes, chubby cheeks, and lips slightly apart. He is curled up with hands are scrunched up into little fists with arms and knees bent. Placed on his stomach or back, Chase looks comfortably asleep just like a newborn.
- Finished doll is 21 inches from head to toe
- Chase has been prototyped by talented reborn artists such as Jacqueline Kramer, Lena Dahl and Imaculada Gonzalez
Cost: £171,68

Chase by Bonnie Brown

Chase by Bonnie Brown
2. Alexis by Cassie Ann Brace

Alexis by Cassie Ann Brace

Alexis by Cassie Ann Brace
Alexis is another reborn doll released by Tru Born that was designed by Cassie Brace. This newborn is adorable with her extra chubby cheeks and button nose. With such a realistic expression and her pouty lips apart, it looks like Alexis is peacefully sleeping and breathing through her mouth. With a slight bend in her elbow and curled fingers, her arms can be placed close to her chest or up over her head.
- The finished doll is 22-22″ from head to toe
- Alexis has been prototyped by reborn artists Cassie Brace, Olesya Venger, and Sandra Picara Angelkovich
Cost: £151,02
3.Realborn Priscilla Asleep Kit
Realborn kits are developed by Bountiful Baby and are renowned for their realistic appearance. Priscilla is based on a real baby and is asleep with eyes gently closed and lips softly pursed. If you want to learn more about Bountiful Baby Realborn doll kits, check out our blog post here.
- The finished doll is 18″ from head to toe
- Priscilla has been prototyped by reborn artists Simone Goky and Silvia Creations
Cost: £64,00

Realborn Priscilla Asleep

Realborn Priscilla Asleep
4.Realborn Harlow Asleep
Another Realborn kit, beautiful Harlow, who has really a unique look.
A sleeping newborn, Harlow brows are furrowed which is seen with a crease and fold above the nose and between the eyes which gives the appearance of a baby dreaming. He also has textured lips that are slightly parted. Harlow has one closed fist and an open hand with a slight bend in both arms. Very natural and extremely adorable.
- The finished doll is 20.5″ from head to toe
- Harlow has been prototyped from many skillful reborn artists, such as Marie Gambus-Metayer and Oliver Branch Artistry
Cost: £29,00

Realborn Harlow Sleeping
5.Sue Sue by Natali Blick
Sue Sue is a limited-edition kit from sculptor Natali Blick. Sue Sue has an angelic look with big eyes and a small delicate nose. The eyes are the feature that stands out most in this kit; they are wide-set and large. Her upper lip hangs over her lower lip, slightly curling up in the corners.
- The finished doll is 22″ from head to toe
- Sue Sue has been prototyped by reborn artists Emiliya Ardakova and Sheva Dolls
Cost: £42,25

Sue Sue by Natali Blick
6.Ava by Cassie Brace
Ava is sculpted by Cassie Brace and produced by Tru Borns. Ava’s distinct features include hooded, deep-set eyes, wide nose and mouth. Ava’s bottom lip is tucked as if she is sucking on it, drawing her chin up, while her upper lip hangs over – a very expressive look!
- The finished doll is 19″ from head to toe
- Ava has been prototyped by talented reborn artists Cassie Brace and Nikol Maris
Cost: £92,04

Ava by Cassie Ann Brace
7.Petya Reborn Kit by Lenka Polacek
Petya by Lenka Polacek
Petya by Lenka Polacek
This is a beautiful listing by the talented Lenka Polacek. Petya is one of the larger sized dolls in Lenka’s shop, and the quality is exceptional. The listing shows numerous photos you can use for inspiration in your own creation. This beautiful kit is best suited for full round eyes 22mm in size. Key features include:
- Finished doll 20″ from head to toe
- Petya has been prototyped by Lenka Polacek
Cost: £89,65
8.Johannah Awake by Bountiful Baby
Produced by Bountiful Baby, Johannah Awake’s unique positioning of the eyes make this kit unique. Johannah’s eye sockets are different from most kits, as they are designed to be slightly side glancing. This can easily be changed by gluing the eyes in another position, but it does add something special. Johannah’s nose is wide set with closed lips:
- The finished doll is 19″ inches in length from head to toe
- Johanna Awake has been prototyped by reborn artist Alexa Calvo
Cost: £92,73
Johannah Awake by Bountiful Baby
Johannah Awake by Bountiful Baby
9.Rosalie by Linde Scherer
Rosalie by Lind Scherer
The talented Linde Scherer sculpted Rosalie. Rosalie is bright-eyed and alert with her big eyes and pursed lips. She has a round face, small nose, and rounded chin with a distinct crease below her bottom lip.
- The finished doll is 22″ inches in length from head to toe
- Rosalie has been prototyped from German reborn artist Zwergenkind
10.Saskia by Bonnie Brown
Bonnie Brown sculpted Saskia. The most distinctive features on Saskia are the two bottom teeth. Saskia’s plump lips are parted, and above her big bottom lip, you see two teeth. She has chubby cheeks, round eyes and a button nose.
- The finished doll is 22.5″ inches in length from head to toe
- Saskia has been prototyped from skillful reborn artists such as Elena Yadrina, Anastasiya Gangalo and Laura Cosentino
Saskia by Bonnie Brown
Finding a high-quality, realistic reborn doll can be a challenge. We’ve been there! But with so many options out there now, we hope this helpful resource can support you in choosing the perfect kit for you. Reading reviews is incredibly important and always ensure you are purchasing from a trusted retailer. We hope you found this list helpful, and we’d love to hear which reborn kit you choose – let us know in the comments below!